Thursday, September 20, 2007

Here We Go!

I'm off to another fun-filled day with Stretch-n-Grow stars! Today I may be teaching the class by myself. This would be fine with any other class, but today's class is a very young class. Not to mention there is one little fellow who loves to climb up the bookshelves and run out of the room during class. He's a slight challenge.

Well, as Arnold Schwartzenegger learned in Kindergarten Cop, kids smell fear and they will eat you alive. So, it's time to put on my authoritative, yet fun, face and get to it!


katfrench said...

It's naht a two-muh!

Good luck with your growing business, you two! I know from my own entrepreneurial adventures that it's more fun and more challenging than you could possibly imagine beforehand.

But it's an excellent business--kids need to learn to ENJOY fitness!

Jennifer said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. The local centers all agree that it is a much needed program, but at the same time they just don't want to pay the small fee to include it in their curriculum. I think it would be more widely accepted in the city, but unfortunately we are just country folk out here.