Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tough Questions

There comes a time in every parent's life when their child asks a question that is very difficult to answer. I'm not referring to the ol' "Birds and Bees" conversation, either. I'm talking about the really difficult questions.

Chase has recently been asking me about his Granny (my late mom). He wants to know where she is, but is confused by the answers I give him. I try to explain that his Granny's soul is with the Angels, but her body is gone, and we visit her soul in the cemetery. This is a difficult concept even for me to accept, let alone a 5 year old. He asks me if she can see him. Hard to answer. Physically, no. But her soul watches over us everyday. Again, hard to understand for a kid.

I do my best to present it to him in a way he can understand. I guess for now, I'm just content that he thinks of her, even if he can't understand the circumstances yet.

1 comment:

katfrench said...

Chase is just now at the age Joshua was when Granny passed on, so I think it's natural to ask these questions.

And yeah, it's hard to give answers when you don't fully understand it yourself.

Sending hugs your way.